Hanna Rosenfeld

I'm a software engineer with a passion for crafting innovative solutions and bringing ideas to life through code.


Vault Manager

I'm excited to present my latest project, a full-stack application tailored for Naglee, focusing on efficient vault storage management within their warehouse. The application was built using Flask for the backend, SQLAlchemy for database management, and React with Redux for the frontend. The PostgreSQL database, hosted on Render, ensures a robust and scalable solution.

Key Technologies Used:

  • Flask
  • SQLAlchemy
  • React with Redux
  • PostgreSQL
  • Render

This project showcases my expertise in creating comprehensive full-stack solutions to address specific business needs.

AirBnB Clone

Designed and constructed a full-stack clone of AirBnB, employing Express, React, and Redux.

Planned and executed the database schema, optimizing for scalability and efficiency.

Demonstrated mastery of Redux by integrating it with React components to efficiently manage state and facilitate seamless updates.

Resulted in a high-fidelity reproduction of AirBnB's key features, showcasing proficiency in modern web technologies.

Quora Clone

Engineered a comprehensive Quora clone using Flask, SQLAlchemy, React, and Redux, replicating core functionality.

Devised and executed RESTful API routes, integrating frontend and backend seamlessly.

Highlighted proficiency in diverse technologies, showcasing the ability to craft complex web applications.

Discord Clone

Group Project building a clone of Discord. Including CRUD for servers, channels, users, messages.

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